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Is the dog potty/obedience trained? answer-maybe! Rescue has anywhere from 1-12 dogs plus their own at any given time, depending on need-the dogs do not spend a great deal of time in the house, so it's hard to say. They are all crate training and usually all do well. If you are adopting a rescue, please assume they are not and that you may have to have patience with potty training as well as obedience training. It is our job to save their lives in high kill shelters and vet them, we do our best also to socialize with other dogs and kids, but it is your job to train your dog!


Is the dog cat compatible? answer-maybe! Most of our dogs we have no background on and given the nature of the number of dogs here, having a cat would be too risky for both cats and dogs.  Most dogs can be trained to come to like and enjoy the company of a cat but that takes training beyond rescues ability.


What if the dog is not a good fit? answer: rescue will allow adopters to chose another dog if the dog is not a good fit for the family up to 30 days after adoption date one time only, but, intake could take up to 30 days and is not guaranteed. Intake is contingent upon space & temperament of dog.  You may choose another dog at no cost up to 30 days post your adoption agreement- however the responsibility to re-home your first pet lies with you. Rescue will always repost dogs that need re-homing at no cost and assist in finding another home and screen applicants but cannot guarantee acceptance back to the rescue. Refunds are not granted.  Should you have to keep the dog for a period, please expect to possibly have to board them if you cannot keep them at home.


You specialize in shy/timid dogs -What does that mean? answer: many of our dogs come in very afraid and shy. Do they always stay that way? no not usually. As in people, some dogs have a more gentle and timid nature either by birth or breed (such as Sharpei's).  We are trained here to slowly and surely allow dog the space it needs to properly decompress and trust. It is a myth that dogs that are shy were abused. Most are not and go on to make wonderful pets. They are typically very gentle and submissive, the flip side.  You may meet a dog that seems very friendly and outgoing when you come. Then you get them home and they become scared and shy again, possibly avoiding you in the beginning. This is just because the animal gained trust here and also had 10+ dogs to run with. Please note that it takes patience to win the trust again, but most dogs come around 7-10 with respect & understanding. If you are nervous they will be even more so.  What they need is calmness and respect and they will come to trust and love you as much as they do us here at the rescue and you will have even a deeper bond with this dog than probably any other.  Rescue will give tips at adoption to make you feel confident should this happen.


How accurate is the breed determination on dogs in rescue? -Rescue is only making an educated guess on the breeds of their dogs unless we know the parents, which is rare. It is our best guess based on experience and general appearance of the dog. Should you only want to adopt a specific breed, we ask you to please consult a breeder for precise adoption, we are approximating and cannot be held accountable for any errors in this matter.


Please note: some families do not want to adopt a dog over the age of 3. Please know that this is perfectly acceptable, but please have realistic expectations of a younger dog-they are playful, often hyper, louder, whine more etc as a toddler would be. An older dog will be more stable and mature, but younger dogs are wonderful too-just be realistic about your expectations of their behavior especially if you are a first time dog owner. They are bred to obey us, but they are wild animals who require training and consistency from their owners.

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